DIY Board Repairs

Board Repairs Tips
We sell a wide range of materials for D.I.Y repairs, including polyester and epoxy resin, fiberglass cloth and FCS/Futures fin plugs. Here are some simple steps and tips to help you with your home repair jobs.
Easy D.I.Y Surfboard Repairs
Most dings come from use in the water, so the first step is to make sure that all the water inside the foam evaporates. A few hours in the sun or somewhere warm and dry (like a garage) should be enough to dry it out. If you don't let it dry completely, you'll risk having a waterlogged board and the yellowing that comes with sun exposure. Next, you'll need a ding repair kit. Depending on the ding, different types of fiberglass filler may be needed. We sell a range of pre-mixed repair kits as well as tins for epoxy and polyester surfboards, fiberglass sheets, foam off cuts, and FCS fin plugs.
Rail shatters
The best way to fix a shatter is to lightly sand around the edges first and get rid of any exposed edges of cloth. Be careful though, as if you sand into the foam through the outer glassing you may end up with an even bigger job than you expected!
Bigger dings & gashes
If the ding is no deeper than 5mm: First, sand around the area as you would for a shatter and then tape it off. Mix up half the batch of resin and add some foam powder, finely cut fiberglass or filler mix together so that it is like a paste or putty. Then, push this into the ding with something like an ice-cream stick. Make sure the resin is forced into all the cracks and holes and don't fill past the surface of the surfboard. Then with the rest of the resin, apply 1 - 2 pieces of fiberglass cloth precut to shape of the repair.
LEAVE THE TAPE ON until the resin is set. Then, sand the area flat with 150 sandpaper over the top of the tape so you can tell when it hits the glass. Then peel off the tape and finish sanding it with 400 wet & dry sandpaper.If the ding is less than 2mm deep, just use fiberglass cloth and resin.
If the ding is deeper than 5mm, Bring it to us for repair!
There are two types of surfboard construction - Traditional polyester resin, and epoxy. This is important to remember as polyester resin and the polystyrene core of an epoxy board DO NOT MIX. If you use polyester resin on an epoxy surfboard it will eat away the polystyrene core.
Epoxy on polystyrene is OK and is the best solution when you're on the road as most repair kits are epoxy based.
Temperatures and ratios
There are a few important ratios and temperatures to keep and mind while using resin.
Don't work with resin in under 10 degrees celsius weather
Don't add any more than 3% or less than 1% hardener to polyester resin
Epoxy resin ratio is 1:4 i.e. 1 part hardener to 4 parts resin - Don't add less hardener than this, as the mix will take days to go off and vice versa
Wear an organic vapourdust mask and rubber gloves
Do all repairs in a well ventilated room, or outside if possible
Don't get any fiberglass, resin or hardener too near your face especially the eyes
If resin comes in contact with skin, wash off immediately BEFORE it starts to burn!
All our DIY repair gear can be found here: